Our 5th Anniversary Celebration in Ouray
2019 — Ouray, CO
Huge THANK YOU to our sponsors this year!
Slee Off Road, Elite Land Cruisers, TOYOTA, ARB, OtterBox, Nitto Tire, Nitro Gear, Land Cruiser Museum, 5.11 Tactical, CruiserCorps and FrontRunner Outfitters
Thanks for Joining!
Thank you to all who joined the event this year with a special high-five to all the first-timers. It's always great to catch up with old friends and make new ones while running trails in a beautiful place. The 5th anniversary LCDC was a huge success with over 70 200’s in attendance! Pretty amazing considering we started with only 8 5 years earlier. Once again our sponsors did an amazing job helping make this a memorable event.
Elite Land Cruiser’s kicked it off with our opening event by providing food and drinks with a special guest appearance by Toyota who went into great detail about the testing and development of the 200 series. Unfortunately. there was no insider information about the 300 series. It was an awesome evening while everyone exchanged Land Cruiser stories and checking out each other’s rigs. The next 3 days were full of trail rides with groups of roughly 10 each. Although Black Bear and a few others were closed due to snow we all made the most of it and got in some amazing trails and scenery.
The closing event has always been sponsored by Slee Offroad. As always Slee came through with an incredible night which included a ton of swag, drinks, food and an OtterBox cooler giveaway. As we wrap up #5 we have so much to look forward to as we start planning #6… Will we hit 100 Land Cruisers next year?
Welcome to 1st Timers!
Kenb, Sac Cerevisiae, Benc, Mountainbound, Taco2Cruiser, cruisercorps, KJNARMYFJ, Fred X, ASAP, EdwardG, TX GX460, Adventure.Driven, chefski, NC 100, Gene Lambert, Union, alaubhan, Union, pjm10626, Agcruiser03, ForrestMurphy, firstlc, Icangetstuck, biasrutus, empty80, CORunner93, DRCocaCola, PhuckItImDone, avngrguild, doug1tx, Mrburlingame, DKW3
Welcome Back!
JohnJB, gomez268, GeorgeN, jeffrey soukup, HoovHartid, Poupon, mcgaskins, linuxgod, Oakleyguy, The Woodz, elkeye, Use2bn83, Romer, SGT0311, DavidLee, Markuson, indycole, TRD Burglar, kevinfoutch, ethernectar, 619Toy, Codyaustin5, BTUMAN, sleeoffroad